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Članak 1.

Potvrđuje se Razmjena pisama između Republike Hrvatske i Europske zajednice u svezi uvjerenja (certifikata) iz točke 6. Sporazuma o uzajamnim preferencijalnim trgovačkim koncesijama za određena vina, sklopljen u Bruxellesu, 10. lipnja 2002., pismom Europske Komisije i pismom odgovora Republike Hrvatske, u izvorniku na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku.

Članak 2.

Tekst Razmjene pisama iz članka 1. ovoga Zakona, u izvorniku na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku glasi:

concerning the certificate referred to in paragraph 6 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia on reciprocal preferential trade concessions for certain wines1

A. Letter from the Commission

Brussels, June 10, 2002


I have the honour to refer to Annex 1 (Agreement on reciprocal preferential trade concessions for certain wines) of the Additional Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part, and an Additional Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia, to take account of the outcome of the negotiations between the parties on reciprocal preferential concessions for certain wines, the reciprocal recognition, protection and control of wine names and the reciprocal recognition, protection and control of designations for spirits and aromatised drinks, which was concluded on 7 December 2001, hereinafter called the »Agreement«.

The Agreement provides in paragraph 6 that the tariff concessions will be subject to the presentation of a certificate issued by a mutually recognised official body appearing on lists drawn up jointly to the effect that the wine in question complies with point 5(b) of the Agreement.

In accordance with the consultations which have taken place between the representatives of the Commission and the Republic of Croatia, the following rules have been agreed upon as regards the above mentioned certificate:

1. Wines originating in the Community imported into the Republic of Croatia:

1.1 The certificate referred to in paragraph 6 of the Agreement shall be a certificate which conforms to the model set out in the Annex to this Exchange of Letters and which has been completed in accordance with points 1.2 to 1.8.

1.2 The certificate shall measure 210 ¤ 297 mm. The paper used shall be white writing paper, sized, not containing mechanical pulp, and weighing not less than 40 g/m˛. If the document has several copies only the top copy, which is the original, shall be printed with the guilloche, pattern background. This copy shall be clearly marked »original« and the other copies »copy«.

1.3 The certificate shall be printed in one of the official Community languages.

1.4 Each certificate shall bear a serial number allocated.

1.5 The certificate shall be certified, in boxes 10 and 11 respectively, by the Community competent authorities, agencies and laboratories. It shall comprise the original and at least one simultaneously produced copy, in that order. Both the original and the copy shall accompany the wine. The certificate form must be completed either in typescript or by hand and in the latter case it shall be completed in ink using block letters. It must contain no erasures or overwritten words and may not be used if any errors are committed in completing it.

The information to be entered in box 11 of the certificate may be submitted in a separate analysis report, certified by the competent laboratory. In this case, box 11 shall refer to the separate report.

1.6 The list of the authorities, agencies and laboratories authorised to complete the certificate referred to in point 1.5 shall be drawn up jointly and exchanged between the Parties.

The Commission will inform in due time the Republic of Croatia of any update of this list.

1.7 The original and the copy of the certificate shall, on completion of the customs formalities for release for free circulation of the consignment to which they relate, be handed over to the competent authority of the Republic of Croatia that carries out such formalities. The authority shall endorse the back of the certificate. It shall return the original to the person concerned and keep the copy for at least five years.

1.8 The certification in box 10 of the certificate may be replaced by an attestation of designation of origin in accordance with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2001.

1.9 The certificate referred to in point 1.1 replaces the certificates referred to in the Croatian legislation.

1.10 Certificates completed in accordance with the Croatian legislation in force before the date of the entry into force of this exchange of letters may be used until 1 July 2002 in place of the certificate provided for in point 1.1.

2. Wines originating in the Republic of Croatia and imported into the Community:

2.1 The certificate referred to in paragraph 6 of the Agreement is the V I 1 or V I 2 document completed in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/2001.

2.2 The list of the authorities, agencies and laboratories authorised to complete the certificate referred to in point 2.1 shall be drawn up jointly and exchanged between the Parties.

The Republic of Croatia will inform in due time the Commission of any update of this list.

This Exchange of Letters shall enter into force after notification of the Croatian Government.

I should be obliged if you would confirm that your Government is in agreement with the content of this letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

On behalf of the European Community

B. Letter from the Republic of Croatia

Zagreb, June 10, 2002


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of todayžs date, which reads as follows:

»I have the honour to refer to Annex 1 (Agreement on reciprocal preferential trade concessions for certain wines) of the Additional Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part, and an Additional Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia, to take account of the outcome of the negotiations between the parties on reciprocal preferential concessions for certain wines, the reciprocal recognition, protection and control of wine names and the reciprocal recognition, protection and control of designations for spirits and aromatised drinks, which was concluded on 7 December 2001, hereinafter called the žAgreementž.

The Agreements provides in paragraph 6 that the tariff concessions will be subject to the presentation of a certificate issued by a mutually recognised official body appearing on lists drawn up jointly to the effect that the wine in question complies with point 5(b) of the Agreement.

In accordance with the consultations which have taken place between the representatives of the Commission and the Republic of Croatia, the following rules have been agreed upon as regards the above mentioned certificate:

1. Wines originating in the Community imported into the Republic of Croatia:

1.1 The certificate referred to in paragraph 6 of the Agreement shall be a certificate which conforms to the model set out in the Annex to this Exchange of Letters and which has been completed in accordance with points 1.2 to 1.8.

1.2 The certificate shall measure 210 x 297 mm. The paper used shall be white writing paper, sized, not containing mechanical pulp, and weighing not less than 40 g/m˛. If the document has several copies only the top copy, which is the original, shall be printed with the guilloche pattern background. This copy shall be clearly marked žoriginalž and the other copies žcopyž.

1.3 The certificate shall be printed in one of the official Community languages.

1.4 Each certificate shall bear a serial number allocated.

1.5 The certificate shall be certified, in boxes 10 and 11 respectively, by the Community competent authorities, agencies and laboratories. It shall comprise the original and at least one simultaneously produced copy, in that order. Both the original and the copy shall accompany the wine. The certificate form must be completed either in typescript or by hand and in the latter case it shall be completed in ink using block letters. It must contain no erasures or overwritten words and may not be used if any errors are committed in completing it.

The information to be entered in box 11 of the certificate may be submitted in a separate analysis report, certified by the competent laboratory. In this case, box 11 shall refer to the separate report.

1.6 The list of the authorities, agencies and laboratories authorised to complete the certificate referred to in point 1.5 shall be drawn up jointly and exchanged between the Parties.

The Commission will inform in due time the Republic of Croatia of any update of this list.

1.7 The original and the copy of the certificate shall, on completion of the customs formalities for release for free circulation of the consignment to which they relate, be handed over to the competent authority of the Republic of Croatia that carries out such formalities. The authority shall endorse the back of the certificate. It shall return the original to the person concerned and keep the copy for at least five years.

1.8 The certification in box 10 of the certificate may be replaced by an attestation of designation of origin in accordance with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2001.

1.9 The certificate referred to in point 1.1 replaces the certificates referred to in the Croatian legislation.

1.10 Certificates completed in accordance with the Croatian legislation in force before the date of the entry into force of this exchange of letters may be used until 1 July 2002 in place of the certificate provided for in point 1.1.

2. Wines originating in the Republic of Croatia and imported into the Community:

2.1 The certificate referred to in paragraph 6 of the Agreement is the V I 1 or V I 2 document completed in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/2001.

2.2 The list of the authorities, agencies and laboratories authorised to complete the certificate referred to in point 2.1 shall be drawn up jointly and exchanged between the Parties.

The Republic of Croatia will inform in due time the Commission of any update of this list.

This Exchange of Letters shall enter into force after notification of the Croatian Government.«

I have the honour to confirm that my Government is in agreement with the contents of this letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Croatia

B. Pismo Republike Hrvatske

Zagreb, 10. lipnja 2002.


Imam čast potvrditi primitak vašeg pisma na današnji dan, koje glasi:

»Imam čast uputiti na Dodatak 1 (Sporazum o uzajamnim preferencijalnim trgovačkim koncesijama za određena vina) Dodatnog Protokola kojim se usklađuju trgovinski aspekti Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju između Europskih Zajednica i njihovih država članica, s jedne strane, i Republike Hrvatske, s druge strane, i Dodatnog Protokola kojim se usklađuju trgovinski aspekti Privremenog sporazuma između Europske Zajednice i Republike Hrvatske, sukladno ishodu pregovora između stranaka o uzajamnim preferencijalnim koncesijama za određena vina, uzajamnom priznavanju, zaštiti i kontroli imena vina i uzajamnom priznavanju, zaštiti i kontroli označavanja alkoholnih pića i aromatiziranih pića, koji je sklopljen 7. prosinca 2001., u nastavku »Sporazum«.

Prema točki 6 Sporazuma odobravanje carinskih koncesija uvjetuje se podnošenjem certifikata kojeg izdaje obostrano priznato službeno tijelo navedeno u popisu koji je zajednički sastavljen, a kojim se potvrđuje da vino odgovara odredbama točke 5(b) Sporazuma.

Sukladno zaključcima s konzultacija između predstavnika Komisije i Republike Hrvatske, dogovorena su sljedeća pravila u svezi navedenog certifikata:

1. Vina podrijetlom iz Zajednice koja se uvoze u Republiku Hrvatsku:

1.6 Certifikat iz točke 6. Sporazuma je certifikat koji odgovara uzorku iz Priloga ove Razmjene pisama i koji je popunjen sukladno točkama 1.2 do 1.8.

1.2 Certifikat mora biti dimenzija 210 ¤ 297 mm. Papir mora biti pisaći bijeli, dimenzioniran, bez mehaničkih oštećenja i mase ne manje od 40 g/m˛. Ukoliko dokument ima nekoliko primjeraka, samo će gornji primjerak, koji je izvornik, biti tiskan sa »guilloche« uzorkom pozadine. Ovaj primjerak mora biti jasno označen s »izvornik«, a ostali primjerci s »preslika«.

1.7 Certifikat mora biti tiskan na jednom od službenih jezika Zajednice.

1.8 Svaki certifikat mora nositi odgovarajući serijski broj.

1.9 Certifikati moraju biti ovjereni od strane nadležnih tijela, zavoda i laboratorija, u odjeljcima 10. i 11. pojedinačno. Moraju sadržavati izvornik i najmanje jednu istodobno načinjenu presliku; tim redosljedom. Pošiljku vina trebaju pratiti i izvornik i preslika. Certifikat treba ispuniti pisaćim strojem ili ručno – u tom slučaju podaci se upisuju tintom i velikim slovima. Ne smije se brisati niti pisati preko napisanih slova i ne smije biti nikakvih grešaka počinjenih tijekom ispunjavanja.

Podaci koji se unose u odjeljak 11. certifikata mogu se podnijeti u obliku odvojenih izvješća analize, potvrđenih u nadležnom laboratoriju. U tom slučaju odjeljak 11. mora upućivati na odvojeno izvješće.

1.6 Popis nadležnih tijela, zavoda i laboratorija iz točke 1.5. ovlaštenih za izdavanje certifikata zajednički će sastaviti i razmijeniti obje stranke.

Komisija će na vrijeme obavijestiti Republiku Hrvatsku o bilo kakvim izmjenama ovog popisa.

1.11 Izvornik i preslika certifikata moraju pri kompletiranju carinskih formalnosti radi stavljanja robe u slobodan promet biti uručeni ovlaštenom tijelu Republike Hrvatske. To tijelo ovjerava zadnju stranu certifikata. Izvornik se vraća pravnoj osobi, a preslika se čuva najmanje pet godina.

1.12 Uvjerenje u odjeljku točke 10. certifikata može se zamijeniti potvrdom o podrijetlu sukladno članku 7. Uredbe Komisije (EC) br. 884/2001.

1.13 Certifikat iz točke 1.1. zamjenjuje certifikat propisan u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu.

1.14 Certifikati ispunjeni sukladno hrvatskom zakonodavstvu koje je bilo na snazi prije stupanja na snagu ove Razmjene pisama mogu se koristiti do 1. srpnja 2002. umjesto certifikata iz točke 1.1.

2. Vina podrijetlom iz Republike Hrvatske koja se uvoze u Zajednicu:

2.3 Certifikat iz točke 6. Sporazuma je dokument V I 1 ili V I 2 popunjen sukladno Uredbi Komisije (EC) br. 883/2001.

2.4 Popis tijela, zavoda i laboratorija nadležnih za popunjavanje certifikata iz točke 2.1. zajednički će sastaviti i razmijeniti obje stranke.

Republika Hrvatska će na vrijeme obavijestiti Komisiju o bilo kakvoj izmjeni popisa.

Ova Razmjena pisama stupit će na snagu nakon notifikacije Vlade Republike Hrvatske.« Imam čast potvrditi da je Vlada Republike Hrvatske suglasna sa sadržajem ovog pisma. Molim vas da primite izraze mog najdubljeg poštovanja.

U ime Vlade Republike Hrvatske
Vladimir Drobnjak, veleposlanik
Šef Misije Republike Hrvatske
pri Europskim zajednicama

Članak 3.

Za provedbu ovoga Zakona nadležno je Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i šumarstva.

Članak 4.

Na dan donošenja ovoga Zakona akt o razmjeni pisama iz članka 1. ovoga Zakona nije na snazi, te će se podaci o njezinom stupanju na snagu objaviti naknadno, sukladno članku 30. stavku 3. Zakona o sklapanju i izvršavanju međunarodnih ugovora.

Članak 5.

Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana objave u »Narodnim novinama«.

Klasa: 018-05/02-01/13
Zagreb, 7. studenoga 2002.


Predsjednik Hrvatskoga sabora
Zlatko Tomčić, v. r.


Na temelju članka 88. Ustava Republike Hrvatske, donosim

Proglašavam Zakon o potvrđivanju Razmjene pisama između Republike Hrvatske i Europske zajednice u svezi uvjerenja (certifikata) iz točke 6. Sporazuma o uzajamnim preferencijalnim trgovačkim koncesijama za određena vina, koji je donio Hrvatski sabor na sjednici 7. studenoga 2002.

Broj: 01-081-02-3533/2
Zagreb, 11. studenoga 2002.

Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske
Stjepan Mesić, v. r.