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Aegean Exporters' Unions - information center for Turkish exporting and manufacturing companies. Listings of companies, investment opportunities and more.

Agency for Foreign Investment Australia (AFIA) - provides information and assistance to companies seeking to invest in Australia.

Agency For the International Promotion of French Technology and Trade - CFME ACTIM is a nonprofit association whose members are French companies and professional organizations.

Arab American Chamber of Commerce

Argentine Arab Chamber of Commerce - promotes the commercial and cultural exchange between Argentina and the countries of the Arab world.

Argentine Chamber of Exporters - promotes Argentinian exports and international trade.

Argentine Republic Chamber of Importers - overview of services, management, and commercial mission.

Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLAL) - promotes trade, investment, and business between the United States and Latin America.

Association of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce in South Florida (ABiCC) - the umbrella organization for bi-national Chambers of Commerce and other trade organizations.

Australia South Africa Business Connection (ozza) - resource for importers, exporters and others interested in trade opportunities between Australia and South Africa.

Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce - Business opportunities in Australia and Israel, links to useful business related sites, details of Chamber activities, including forthcoming business networking events and Trade Missions.

Australia-Southern Africa Business Council

Australian & New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan - the objective of the ANZCCJ is to promote business and strengthen cultural ties between Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

Austrian Trade Commission for the United States and Canada - information on the Austrian economy and import market.

Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) - with offices throughout Bangladesh and in Italy.

Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce - network of trade information, contacts, organizations, and event notices.

BFTO Belgian Foreign Trade Office - promotes Belgian and Luxembourg industrial goods, techniques and services; (in English, French and Dutch).

BorderNet - a Canada-US cross border affiliation between business groups and communities.

Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) - promotes trade, investment, and business.

Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida - assists Brazilian and American companies in establishing business relations.

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce - serves the Atlanta and Brazilian commmunities by fostering better relations through international trade.

British American Chamber of Commerce San Francisco - nonprofit membership organization for the purpose interchange of trade and ideas between the United States and the United Kingdom.

British Board of Agrément - government linked group which evaluates construction products and awards certificates to those which meet relevant performance requirements.

British Chamber of Commerce in Korea - promotes the development of British trade, commerce, and investment in the Republic of Korea.

British Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) - promotion of trade between Britain and Switzerland.

British Trade & Investment Office - facilitates business between the UK and Canada. Site lists events, companies participating and products and services being promoted.

British-American Business Council - with chapters in England, Canada, Mexico and the United States.

British-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce - promotes bilateral trade as well as educational and cultural opportunities on behalf of companies and individuals interested in Britain and the Caribbean.

California Council for International Trade (CCIT) - seeks to protect and promote trade policies and programs which advance the global trade and investment interests of California businesses.

Camara Argentina de Comercio

Camara de Comercio Argentino-Britanica - promotes bilateral trade and investment between Argentina and the UK.

Canadian Council for International Business (CCIB) - focuses on international policy development before the International Chamber of Commerce and the Business and Industry Advisory Committee.

Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) - Tribunal Canadien du Commerce International (TCCE).

Caribbean Export Development Agency - assists Caribbean exporters and manufacturers in increasing their exports.

Central North American Trade Corridor Association

Ceylon Chamber of Commerce - providing services and seeking other business opportunities.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania

Coalition of Service Industries - aims to reduce barriers to services trade and ensure that U.S. economic policies reflect the importance of the service sector.

Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)

Duquesne University - Center for International Regulatory Assistance (CITRA) - assists companies on how to comply with European trade regulations and CE Marking.

Dutch Foreign Trade Agency - Official information about the Dutch economy and business opportunities in the Netherlands.

Economic Chamber of Macedonia - organization devoted to furthering economic activities in domestic and foreign markets.

Edinburgh, Scotland Chamber of Commerce

Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - offers current economic and business information about Estonia, mediation of cooperation offers, assistance in finding partners (in English and Estonian).

EU Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, Belgium - represents US business interests towards the institutions of the European Union.

European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) - business organization geared towards the promotion of business between European and Philippine companies.

European Chambers of Commerce - member chambers advise Governments on local, regional and national levels, and provide services for businesses across all sectors.

European Connection, The - international representation for trade and consulting for industrial supply, electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, filters, and belts.

European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea - EUCCK - promotes the liberalization of trade and industry in Korea in conformity with internationally accepted criteria.

European-American Business Council - association supported by US and European companies providing information and advocacy services on government policies.

Exchange and Cooperation Center for Latin America (ECCLA) - network for foreign trade. In French, Spanish, and English.

Exporters.Co.UK - free information service for UK exporters of British products and services.

Fair Trade Federation - association of businesses which provides fair wages and employment opportunities to low-income artisans and farmers worldwide.

Fair Trade Resource Network - seeks to establish trading relationships according to wage, environmental, and other standards.

Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL) - umbrella body for chambers and allied associations in Sri Lanka covering a wide spectrum of business, industry, and trade sectors.

Federation of Indian Export Organisations - institution for promoting India's international business. The Government of India's partner organisation in the national export effort.

Federation of International Trade Associations - fosters international trade by strengthening the role of local, regional, and national associations throughout the United States.

Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce - looks after commercial, economic and trade activities, acts for chambers of commerce, and holds conferences and trade fairs.

Fife International Trade Partnership - partnership between Fife Enterprise, Council, and Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to provide local businesses with integrated export services.

Finnish American Chamber of Commerce

Foundation for International Business Education and Research (FIBER) - pursues a program of education, research, and organization in the field of international business.

French American Chamber of Commerce of Northern Ohio - guide to the activities, services and benefits of membership in our organization; included are online registration and our schedule of events.

French American Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco - a nonprofit and non-political organization that seeks to contribute to the development of economic, commercial and financial relations between France and the United States.

G77 Trade and Information Network - founded to promote trade, economic development and technical cooperation among developing countries.

General Federation of Trade Unions

German American Chamber of Commerce - dedicated to promoting business in both directions between the United States and Germany, and to furthering the business interests of members in the thirteen U.S. states west of the Rocky Mountains and in Germany.

German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce

GetPaidForTrade - free resource for financial management and trade information on the web.

Hungarian-American Chamber of Commerce - of New England.

Icelandic American Chamber of Commerce - information about the Icelandic business community and environment.

IFCBA - International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations - brings international customs brokers and their associations together in dialogue and exchange.

Indonesian Netherlands Association (INA) - established to promote and encourage business relations between Indonesian and Dutch companies.

International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) - Concerned with the world cotton economy.

International Federation for Alternative Trade - strives to improve the working conditions of the poor in developing countries and to change unfair structures of international trade.

International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council (IPC) - deals with issues involving agricultural and food trade policy, economic development, and sustainability. Dedicated to promoting an open and efficient food and agricultural trade system.

International Gender and Trade Network - promotes equitable, social, sustainable trade through research, advocacy, and economic literacy.

International Import-Export Institute (IIEI) - internationally recognized body which certifies the proficiency of import-export trade professionals worldwide.

Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. - netwok of executives in the U.S. and Ireland.

Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) - subsidiary organ of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, which has been entrusted with trade promotion among the OIC Member States.

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Ýstanbul Ticaret Odasý (ITO).

ITA International Trade Association - a worldwide membership Association providing recognition and membership services to qualified individuals who specialize in world trade.

Italian Chamber Of Commerce in Japan - promotes the development of commerce between Italy & Japan by offering timely online information to members and non-members alike.

Jamaica Exporters Association/SBED Market Information Service - contains information on potential customers/contracts, sources of supply of materials, industry prices, statistics and trend revealing articles.

Jamaica Fair Trading Commission - providing for the maintenance and encouragement of competition in the conduct of trade, business, and in the supply of services in Jamaica.

Kaohsiung Importers amd Exporters Association - history, mission, and members directory.

Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry - includes a guide to doing business in Korea and the KCCI Business Journal, with articles on the Korean economy and industrial trends.

Korea Foreign Company Association - consulting in international trade and foreign investment for better communication and information on Korean business.

Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency - information necessary to do business with Korea; includes an index of Korean companies and their products.

Latin American Trade Council of Oregon (LATCO) - a nonprofit association promoting trade with Latin America. LATCO also maintains a listserv for the discussion of latin american trade and business.

Malaysia Australia Business Council (MABC) - promotes cooperations between Malaysian and Australian businesses.

Malaysia New Zealand Business Council - promotes trade, services, and investment between Malaysia and New Zealand.

Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry - promotes international trade and commerce with Malaysia, and investment into Malaysia.

Monterey Bay International Trade Association - represents Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties in business networking and education.

National Association of Italian Buying Offices (ANIBO)

National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce - trade organization specializing in U.S.-Arab commerce.

New Zealand - Thai Chamber of Commerce (NZTCC) - promotes and develops commerce between Thailand and New Zealand. Also offers memberships, bi-monthly functions, and business directory.

NGONet - network of NGO groups focusing on global negotiating processes affecting people in the Southern Hemisphere.

North American Association For Exports To Eastern Europe

North East Chamber of Commerce - comprehensive service with quality products, sound advice and a regional business directory database. Constantly updated information on North East businesses is freely available.

Norwegian Irish Business Council - promotes business links between Ireland and Norway.

Organization For International Investment - association of U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-based parent companies, representing their interests in federal and state economic and legal issues.

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Export Development Unit - sub-regional institution of the OECS Member States for the development, promotion, and expansion of exports.

Oslo Chamber of Commerce

Palestine Trade Center - represents businesses regionally and globally, and offers information about trade with Palestine.

Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council - aims to provide companies with the necessary tools and connections to succeed in the rapidly expanding Russian market.

Peru's Export Promotion Commission (PROMPEX) - public institution whose mission is to support and promote Peruvian exports.

Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) - non-governmental organization of small, medium, and large enterprises, local chambers, and industries. Offers business news, legislative updates, and events.

Philippine-Israel Business Association (PIBA) - creates business opportunities through trade missions between Israeli and Filipino businesses.

Polish American Chamber of Commerce of Chicago, IL

Procomer - official promoter of exports and imports for Costa Rica. Offers information and on-line business directory.

Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Illinois

Singapore International Chamber of Commerce - open to all races and nationalities with business organizations in Singapore.

Southern United States Trade Association - nonprofit agricultural export trade development association established to promote the exports of the region.

Sri Lanka Trade Information Network

Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

Sweden China Trade Council - provides business information and assistance to Swedish companies working with the Chinese market.

Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong - promotes the development of commerce between Sweden and Hong Kong/China.

Swedish Trade Council - Swedish Trade Council assists Swedish companies in doing business abroad and help foregin companies to find good partners in Sweden.

Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce - nonprofit organization with 2,300 corporate and individual members engaged or interested in Swiss-U.S. business relations.

Taiwan Fair Trade Commission - central authority in charge of competition policy and the Fair Trade Law.

Team Norway

Teranga Group - seeks to actively participate in the economic development of African and American nations by fostering trade relations between these continents.

Trade Council of Iceland - Export directory; trade shows with Icelandic participation, including CEbit '96.

Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle - international business, investment and tourism information.

Trade Facilitation Office Canada - not-for-profit organization that helps exporters from Central and Eastern Europe and developing countries to find markets in Canada.

Trade Facilitators International - network of businesses whose vision is to be Australia's leading provider of international trade and industry assistance services.

Trade Mission of Ukraine in the United States

Trade New Zealand - fosters the development and expansion of Foreign Exchange earnings by identifying overseas opportunities and developing export culture in New Zealand.

Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah - part of UNCTAD Global Trade Point Network that links Trade Points throughout the world to exchange business opportunities.

Trade Point USA - facilitates international trade.

U.S. - Thailand Business Council (USTBC) - nonprofit bilateral business-to-business forum established to expand the commercial relationship between the U.S. and Thailand.

U.S.-Angola Chamber of Commerce - promotes trade and investment with Angola, and the development of its private sector.

U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council - endeavors to provide accurate, consistent, and timely information and analysis regarding United States-Republic of Cuba commercial, economic, and political relations.

U.S.-India Business Council - formed to enable Indian and American business decision-makers to conduct a continuing dialogue on bilateral economic relations.

U.S.-Qatar Business Council - promoting commercial relations between the United States and the State of Qatar.

U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council - Up-to-date information on Saudi Arabia's economy, trade and investment opportunities, economic data, industrial sectors, culture and history.

U.S.-Vietnam Business Development Website - international business and trade information exchange. Features business' export offers, import demands, Vietnam business news links, and more.

United States Chamber of Commerce - federation of businesses, chambers of commerce, American chambers overseas, and trade and professional associations.

United States Council for International Business - addresses policy issues to promote an open system of world trade, finance, and investment in which business can flourish and contribute to economic growth, human welfare, and protection of the environment.

United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce - promotes trade and investment within the NAFTA bloc.

Uruguay-United States of America Chamber of Commerce

US Trade and Development Agency - USTDA helps US firms gain access to foreign development projects.

USA Engage - coalition of American businesses, agriculture groups and trade associations opposing unilateral economic sanctions.

Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Verslunarráđ Íslands - Iceland's Chamber of Commerce (in English and Icelandic).

Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT) - nonprofit, nonpartisan association that functions as a clearing-house for information on international trade in Washington State and advocates for liberalized trade.

Washington International Trade Association - private, nonprofit organization providing a forum for the open discussion of international trade issues.

Western New York International Trade Council - WNYITC assists businesses to participate successfully in global trade with emphasis on exporting, education and investment activity.

World Chambers Network - global membership organization for businesses of all sizes. Seek new business opportunities, reach new customers, and gather up-do-date business intelligence.

World Shipping Council - Washington, D.C. based trade association representing liner shipping companies serving America's international trade.

World Trade Organization (WTO)